Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Read Around The World

Read around the World

SUAS extends a challenge to all of our new Year 7 students who will be joining us in September and any of our avid current readers:

Can you be adventurous this summer and read around the world?

There are two ways to get involved:

New Year 7 Students: 

Read as many books as you can over the summer and fill in the reading chart that you were given on induction day. Challenge yourself to read a book set/written in a different country, culture, continent or even another world. You will receive vivos for filling out your chart (it doesn't need to be full) and you will be entered into a competition for the chance to win a bigger prize. 

Current SUAS Students: 

Take a picture of yourself reading somewhere outside of Stratford Upon Avon, it could be on a beach, on a plane or even on top of a mountain... the possibilities are endless so get creative. Present your picture to your English teacher to be added to our 'Extreme Reading Wall' and you will rewarded with vivos and be entered into a competition for the chance to win a bigger prize. 


Stuck for ideas or after a good book recommendation?
Contact our Librarian Miss Dunnicliff: 


Our Learning Resource Centre is also open during the summer holidays so come on in and borrow your next great read. 

Year 7 Induction

Year 7 Transition 2015

Last week SUAS students welcomed their new cohort of Year 7 students to our school.

Students were welcomed by their tutor group with a variety of activities. This also included a quiz about their new school which tested the wits of a few of even our longer serving students and staff. 

Students also produced a booklet to welcome their new tutees and share some fun facts and information about each other and their college. 

It was wonderful to meet our future year 7 students and we are looking forward to seeing them again in September. 

Challenge yourself and have a go at our SUAS quiz linked below:

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Red Nose Day

Comic Relief 2015

This week SUAS will be fundraising for Comic Relief. 
There will be a number of activities running throughout the week including a sixth form vs staff quiz, a dodgeball competition and a non-uniform day. 

During tutor time, students will be learning about how money raised by Comic Relief helps children in Africa access school and other opportunities. 

The week will be rounded off by a Comic Relief Tutor Time Quiz.

Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled on Friday for a special visitor to the school!

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Art Week

Art Week 

The Art Department have put together a number of activities to inspire our students:
  • A quiz for students to try and guess the price of famous pieces of artwork and learn a little bit about each piece.
  • A treasure hunt style activity where students are sent on an expedition to the art corridor to discover the answers to the questions written on along the corridor walls.
  • A creative challenge for students to design a visual representation of our school motto: engage, enthuse and inspire. 

Closing Date for entries: Friday 6th March

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Origami Winners

One Thousand Paper Cranes Origami Entries

SUAS tutor groups did a wonderful job of creating interesting and well constructed origami designs.

There were over 80 individual entries with a variety of different animals and shapes submitted.

Miss Lee's Tutor Group Entry

The winning tutor groups are:
1st: RA-NMO1
2nd: RA-KR
3rd: S1-ALE
4th: S1-NMO

The winning designs from each tutor group.

Well done to everyone who got involved.

Monday, 9 February 2015

One Thousand Paper Cranes

One Thousand Paper Cranes

"If you fold a thousand cranes, you'll be granted one wish" (old Japanese legend)

A brave young girl is still remembered today for her determination and dedication to create a thousand origami cranes. Sadako Sasaki's hope kept her spirits high while battling Leukaemia in the aftermath of the atomic bomb. Her bravery lives on in the form of The Children's Monument commemorating all of the children killed in the bombing of Hiroshima. The crane acts as a symbol of peace, everyday paper cranes are added to the memorial by young people from all over the world.

SUAS will be working to create their own Origami pieces in tutor time this week. 

What would your one wish be?
Closing date for entries:  Friday 13th February

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Holocaust Memorial Day

Keep The Memory Alive

Tuesday 27th January 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. This week's activities are aimed at commemorating the Holocaust and the theme of 'Keeping the Memory Alive'. 

SUAS will be working together to create a time capsule reflecting life in our school in 2015, inspired by the Oneg Shabbat archive that was preserved in Milk Churns during the Holocaust.
Closing date for entries:  Friday 30th January

Sunday, 11 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

At SUAS we are starting the year on a positive note and are thinking ahead to our future goals.

Over the next week we will be setting New Year's resolutions individually and as tutor groups.

Try something new this year and join one of our many extra-curricular clubs that take place before, during and after school. There are lots to choose from!

Closing date for entries: 16th January