Spring Tutor Time Activities Calendar

Week Beginning & Activity
Individual Activity
Due Date

6th to 16th January: New Years resolutions
Encourage students to sign up to extra-curricular activities using Extra-Curricular booklet. Mentoring: Set New Years resolution targets. Audit during tutor time: Activities each member of the tutor group attends and which they would like to attend.

Students write their resolution on a star/postcard. The star/postcard will be returned at the end of the term.

16th January
19th- 29th January: Holocaust Memorial Day
Keep the memory alive- Oneg Shabbat kept memories alive in the Warsaw Ghetto through the use of a milk churn as an archive.Create items for a milk churn (time capsule) for your college. Each form designated an item to create.

Research and create a fact file about the items that were placed into the milk churn.

30th January

Week Beginning & Activity
Individual Activity
Due Date

2nd to 13th February: Red Hand Day
Campaign to stop the use of child soldiers. Create red hand prints that will be sent with a letter from each college to join the worldwide campaign.

A letter to the Prime Minister campaigning for an end to child soldiers.

 13th February
23rd February to 6th March: Art Week
Link to National Climate Week. Quizzes from the Art Department and tutor groups creating artwork to raise awareness of Climate Change.

Volunteer to litter pick at breaktime/lunchtime.

6th March

Week Beginning & Activity
       Individual Activity
Due Date

9th to 20th March: Red Nose Day
Whole school activities. Large Scale event TBC.
Liaison with sixth form team.

Design a red nose linked to your college.

20th March
23rd to 27th March: Easter themed activities.
Resources and quiz with an Easter theme.

Easter Egg Hunt around the school.

27th March